Enabling Portable and High-Performance SmartNIC Programs with Alkali (To appear)
    Jiaxin Lin, Zhiyuan Guo, Mihir Shah, Tao Ji, Yiying Zhang, Daehyeok Kim, and Aditya Akella
    In Proceedings of 22nd USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, April 2025


  1. Usenix Security
    On the Criticality of Integrity Protection in 5G Fronthaul Networks
    Jiarong Xing, Sophia Yoo, Xenofon Foukas, Daehyeok Kim, and Michael K. Reiter
    In Proceedings of 33rd USENIX Security Symposium, August 2024


  1. MLSys@NeurIPS
    On a Foundation Model for Operating Systems
    Divyanshu Saxena, Nihal Sharma, Donghyun Kim, Rohit Dwivedula, Jiayi Chen, Chenxi Yang, Sriram Ravula, Zichao Hu, Aditya Akella, Sebastian Angel, Joydeep Biswas, Swarat Chaudhuri, Isil Dillig, Alex Dimakis, P. Brighten Godfrey, Daehyeok Kim, Chris Rossbach, and Gang Wang
    In Workshop on ML for Systems at NeurIPS, December 2023
  2. MICRO
    LogNIC: A High-Level Performance Model for SmartNICs
    Zerui Guo, Jiaxin Lin, Yuebin Bai, Daehyeok Kim, Michael Swift, Aditya Akella, and Ming Liu
    In Proceedings of 56th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, October 2023
  3. MobiCom
    Enabling Resilience in Virtualized RANs with Atlas
    Jiarong Xing, Junzhi Gong, Xenofon Foukas, Anuj Kalia, Daehyeok Kim, and Manikanta Kotaru
    In Proceedings of 29th ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, October 2023
    Resilient Baseband Processing in Virtualized RANs with Slingshot
    Nikita Lazarev, Tao Ji, Anuj Kalia, Daehyeok Kim, Ilias Marinos, Francis Y. Yan, Christina Delimitrou, Zhiru Zhang, and Aditya Akella
    In Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM conference, September 2023
  5. NSDI
    ExoPlane: An Operating System for On-Rack Switch Resource Augmentation
    Daehyeok Kim, Vyas Sekar, and Srinivasan Seshan
    In Proceedings of 20th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, April 2023
  6. NSDI
    Sketchovsky: Enabling Ensembles of Sketches on Programmable Switches
    Hun Namkung, Zaoxing Liu, Daehyeok Kim, Vyas Sekar, and Peter Steenkiste
    In Proceedings of 20th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, April 2023


  1. SOSR
    Automatic Generation of Network Function Accelerators Using Component-Based Synthesis
    Francisco Pereira, Gonçalo Matos, Hugo Sadok, Daehyeok Kim, Ruben Martins, Justine Sherry, Fernando Ramos, and Luis Pedrosa
    In Proceedings of ACM Symposium on SDN Research, October 2022
  2. NSDI
    SketchLib: Enabling Efficient Sketch-based Monitoring on Programmable Switches
    Hun Namkung, Zaoxing Liu, Daehyeok Kim, Vyas Sekar, and Peter Steenkiste
    In Proceedings of 19th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, April 2022
  3. NSDI
    SwiSh: Distributed Shared State Abstractions for Programmable Switches
    Lior Zeno, Dan R. K. Ports, Jacob Nelson, Daehyeok Kim, Shir Landau Feibish, Idit Keidar, Arik Rinberg, Alon Rashelbach, Igor De-Paula, and Mark Silberstein
    In Proceedings of 19th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, April 2022


  1. PhD Thesis
    Towards Elastic and Resilient In-Network Computing
    Daehyeok Kim
    PhD Thesis, Carnegie Mellon University, Computer Science Department, November 2021
  2. Tech Report
    A Roadmap for Enabling a Future-Proof In-Network Computing Data Plane Ecosystem
    Daehyeok Kim, Nikita Lazarev, Tommy Tracy, Farzana Siddique, Hun Namkung, James C. Hoe, Vyas Sekar, Kevin Skadron, Zhiru Zhang, and Srinivasan Seshan
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.04563, October 2021
    RedPlane: Enabling Fault-Tolerant Stateful In-Switch Applications
    Daehyeok Kim, Jacob Nelson, Dan R. K. Ports, Vyas Sekar, and Srinivasan Seshan
    In Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM conference, August 2021
  4. SOSR
    Telemetry Retrieval Inaccuracy in Programmable Switches: Analysis and Recommendations
    Hun Namkung, Daehyeok Kim, Zaoxing Liu, Vyas Sekar, and Peter Steenkiste
    In Proceedings of ACM Symposium on SDN Research, July 2021


  1. Tech Report
    Unleashing In-network Computing on Scientific Workloads
    Daehyeok Kim, Ankush Jain, Zaoxing Liu, George Amvrosiadis, Damian Hazen, Bradley Settlemyer, and Vyas Sekar
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.02457, September 2020
    TEA: Enabling State-Intensive Network Functions on Programmable Switches
    Daehyeok Kim, Zaoxing Liu, Yibo Zhu, Changhoon Kim, Jeongkeun Lee, Vyas Sekar, and Srinivasan Seshan
    In Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM conference, August 2020
  3. NSDI
    Adapting TCP for Reconfigurable Datacenter Networks
    Matthew Mukerjee, Christopher Canel, Weiyang Wang, Daehyeok Kim, Srinivasan Seshan, and Alex C. Snoeren
    In Proceedings of 17th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, February 2020


  1. NSDI
    FreeFlow: Software-based Virtual RDMA Networking for Containerized Clouds
    Daehyeok Kim, Tianlong Yu, Hongqiang Harry Liu, Yibo Zhu, Jitu Padhye, Shachar Raindel, Chuanxiong Guo, Vyas Sekar, and Srinivasan Seshan
    In Proceedings of 16th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, February 2019


  1. HotNets
    Generic External Memory for Switch Data Planes
    Daehyeok Kim, Yibo Zhu, Changhoon Kim, Jeongkeun Lee, and Srinivasan Seshan
    In Proceedings of the 17th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets), November 2018
    HyperLoop: Group-Based NIC-Offloading to Accelerate Replicated Transactions in Multi-Tenant Storage Systems
    Daehyeok Kim, Amirsaman Memaripour, Anirudh Badam, Yibo Zhu, Hongqiang Harry Liu, Jitu Padhye, Shachar Raindel, Steven Swanson, Vyas Sekar, and Srinivasan Seshan
    In Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM conference, August 2018


  1. Comm. Letter
    REboost: Improving Throughput in Wireless Networks using Redundancy Elimination
    Kilho Lee, Daehyeok Kim, and Insik Shin
    IEEE Communications Letters, January 2017


  1. NDSS
    What Mobile Ads Know About Mobile Users
    Sooel Son, Daehyeok Kim, and Vitaly Shmatikov
    In Proceedings of 23rd Network and Distributed System Security Symposium, February 2016
  2. NDSS
    FlexDroid: Enforcing In-App Privilege Separation in Android
    Jaebaek Seo, Daehyeok Kim, Donghyun Cho, Taesoo Kim, and Insik Shin
    In Proceedings of 23rd Network and Distributed System Security Symposium , February 2016


  1. RTSS
    SounDroid: Supporting Real-Time Sound Application on Commodity Mobile Devices
    Hyosu Kim, SangJeong Lee, Wookhyun Han, Daehyeok Kim, and Insik Shin
    In Proceedings of 36th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, December 2015
    Optimized Layered Integrated Video Encoding
    Sangki Yun, Daehyeok Kim, Xiaofan Lu, and Lili Qiu
    In Proceedings of 34th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, April 2015


  1. CCS
    ATRA: Address Translation Redirection Attack against Hardware-based External Monitors
    Daehee Jang, Hojoon Lee, Minsu Kim, Daehyeok Kim, Daegyeong Kim, and Brent B. Kang
    In Proceedings of 21st ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, November 2014


  1. MobiCom
    Fine-grained Spectrum Adaptation in WiFi Networks
    Sangki Yun, Daehyeok Kim, and Lili Qiu
    In Proceedings of 20th ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, September 2013


  1. MS Thesis
    Optimal Combination of Opportunistic Routing and Network Coding for Minimizing Transmission Time
    Daehyeok Kim
    MS Thesis, Pohang University of Science and Technology, February 2012
  2. WCNC
    Multi-rate Combination of Opportunistic Routing and Network Coding
    Daehyeok Kim, and Young-Joo Suh
    In Proceedings of 9th IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, April 2012


  1. JCSE
    Multicast Extension to Proxy Mobile IPv6 for Mobile Multicast Services
    Daehyeok Kim, Wan-Seon Lim, and Young-Joo Suh
    Journal of Computing Science and Engineering, December 2011